The City, Metro, Port of Portland, and other responsible parties should adopt a Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) that will be developed by communities disproportionately impacted by Portland Harbor toxins, who will sign onto the legal agreement with agencies.
Impacted communities include Native Americans, Black/African American, Immigrants, Refugees, and Houseless.
The CBA will have benefits and standards for impacted communities, including:
Construction (Cleanup & Restoration), including contracting (standards-created pre-bid process and enforced to all sub-contractors via CBA) and workforce (All contractors and sub-contractors will be binded via CBA);
Public Access, Land Ownership, and Stewardship, including public access, land ownership, stewardship of wetlands;
Health Awareness and Health Policy, including Health Awareness, Education, and Outreach;
Community Health Funding and Health Policy Recommendations;
Pollution Control, Disposal, and Transportation;
Ongoing Oversight of Water, Air, and River Sediment Toxins, including community stakeholders in leadership;
Future Economic/Housing Development; and
Community Grants and Endowment.